Category: Film

James watt live tv show directors talk

Directors of James Watts Live T.V. Show

  1. What was your role in the production?

Bert Bannister: My role within the production was to host the show as well as to help set-up the set design and create the show.

Scott Gibson: My role was to create, direct, act and arrange the entire project.

Andrew Sharp: Director.

Bryan Davidson: Director/ Writer/ Performer.

2:Please explain what your film is about?

Bert: Our film was all about an off the wall chat show.

Scott: My film is about my observations of everyday classroom activity when it comes to using the computers to play videos and network socially.

Andrew: My film is a music video for a local unsigned artist involving stop motion animation.

Bryan: A sketch about two guys pitching ideas for a T.V. show.

3: Who are your inspirations?

Bert: Not to sure, think it would have to be Parkie, Graham Norton.

Scott: Inspirations are the people around me in the classroom, myself and all the films, I have ever seen.

Andrew: The inspiration for this was simply a fascination with stop motion.

Bryan: John Belushi                                Graham Chapman                 Michael Palin

Dan Aykroyd                                 Terry Jones                              Nickelback

Steve Martin                                  Eric Idle

John Cleese                                   Terry Gilliam

4: Did you have any trouble coming up with ideas?

Bert: Not at all the idea was suggested by Scott Lennon and I just ran with the idea and the show took on its own character.

Scott: No ideas seemed to come easy although developing them was harder. It took a lot of thought and furrowed brows.

Andrew: Ideas came pretty easily among the group, we basically just did everything that came to mind.

Bryan: No

5:  Was everyone aware of their part in the group or did it consistently change?

Bert:  Everyone was aware from the word go.

Scott:  It constantly changed, as there wasn’t any continuation of the scheduling.  It was a lot of chop and change.  On the days that people knew what they were doing they stuck to their jobs well

Andrew:  Everyone knew their part and that was a constant really we all pitched in ideas.

Bryan:  Everyone knew exactly what their roles were.

6:  If you could what would you change

Bert:  I would change the set and redesign it

Scott:  If I could change anything I would plan the shots better as I would achieve some continuation in the shot-making process, save time and spend more time arranging the camera as would often overlook the settings

Andrew:  I would get a tripod instead of having to blue tack the camera to things in order to prevent camera shake

Bryan:  Be a little more prepared.

7:  Any closing comments?

Bert:  Keep your eyes on the telly because this show is going to be big

Scott:  Time and scheduling is important.  If other people are helping you make sure you have the shot you need in one go otherwise you might be scrabbling around looking for everything you need

Andrew:  Stop motion is hard

Bryan: NO

Writers: Michael Francis and Mark Ritchie

Films On Blu-ray

With 2011 looking like the year of re-releases in terms of Blu-ray and remakes for cinema here there and everywhere I am going to pick some of what I believe will be the top picks.

I am going to start with possibly the biggest Blu-ray release to date.

STAR WARS – The complete saga

Star Wars is one of the most popular movie franchises ever. It’s groundbreaking in every way possible and still stands as one of the most popular film series ever. The release of the complete saga on Blu-ray has got a lot of people exited but with a price tag of round about £60 is it worth buying if you already own the star wars saga on DVD.  Simple answer is yes it will be definitely worth paying £60. I personally don’t have £60 to spend on Blu-ray’s but I will buy it when the price inevitably drops so if you are living the dream with cash to spend go buy it and if like me your skint then just wait.

No doubt the effects in the original series will look pretty dodgy but it will still blow you away with the story line and all round awesomeness. Obviously there are a whole host of special features that are going to be more for the fanatics with features like an 84-minute documentary in there. Basically my verdict is buy this Blu-ray or just wait and get it for your Christmas. Star wars saga on Blu-ray is out now!

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