Category: Tech

Sick Kreations

Sick Kreations is a small Indie game development company which was formed in 2009 Our Tech Editor Mark Ritchie has a chat with producer Ruben

WTF: What is your role in Sick Kreations?

Ruben: My role at Sick Kreations at the current moment is as the producer of the games, which involves attaining assets for the game such as models, music and also the direction that the gameply will end up going in. I also play test and review other developer’s games so that when our game goes through that process then we have the community involved in helping us get through the process. I was also in charge of updating the website and maintaining the website which I was lucky enough to get two friends to help me design our logo and website. At the same time I am also taking classes to try to master modeling and animations so that I can also contribute to the games in that role as well.

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Solar 2 Review

Solar 2 is a game based on being a somewhat sentient asteroid, at least that’s how it starts, you then go on and crash into other asteroids to get bigger and then soon become a planet!

You then collect asteroids and go from a small planet to a, life planet, sun, red sun, neutron star and black hole this progress is not the games main feature how ever, when you become a star or planet you are given missions to do, some are stressful others time consuming but all together makes the game fun.

The missions even add a story to the game, a god like being summons you to do its biding its name is the Entity, he adds humour to the games missions and finding out who it is gives you something to look forward to when completing the game. Missions also come with In-game achievements, which just add more fun to the overall game play.

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Murudai Interview

There have been few really successful independent game designers on Xbox live.  One of these is Jay Watt, (Murudai) creator of Solar 2, whom I had the pleasure of interviewing.

WTF: what made you want to develop games and has it been hard to become a game developer considering Murudai is just you?

Jay: I’ve just always enjoyed being creative and solving problems, and I’ve done that well before I got into games. Game development was the perfect fit for my way of thinking and things I enjoyed, so it was a natural transition into it.

WTF: what games have inspired you?

Jay: The first game that really inspired me into game development was a game called Stellar Frontier. It wasn’t a perfect game, but because almost all the variables in the game were stored as plain text files, I edited them massively and made it a much better game!

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