It has only been five short months since Simon Bagley started his Jewellery business “Jewellery from Fantasia” and already his products are a massive hit. His small business is growing fast and is sure to have a bright future with his eye catching costume jewellery and simple delicate designs already selling fast. I had the chance to catch up with him at the James Watt College Kilwinning Campus Christmas fair.

While setting up his stall, Simon confided in me that his business all started from boredom, from this boredom he came up with the idea to start making jewellery with the thought of earning a little extra cash while enjoying this unusual hobby of making beautiful necklaces, bracelets and pendants.

Sourcing his pendants, chains and charms from all over the world, Simon brings together the best of Australia, China and Japan to custom make his jewellery to order meaning his customers get the best possible quality of product that suites their personal taste. The result being that even before he has finished setting up his stall customers were surrounding him making sure they got some of his one off samples before anyone else.

“My personal favourites are my spider items” he smiles showing me two stunning gold and blue crystal encrusted arachnids, then producing one gothic black Swarovski crystal covered spider. These gorgeous pieces are one of his best sellers and really make the wearer stand out from the crowd.

But as well as selling his goods Simon was offering the chance to win some charming examples of his work through a raffle with first prize being one of the most popular items at his stall; a complete set of seven miniature Harry Potter books on silver chains. These intriguing little necklaces drew many Potter fanatics to the stall as well as those who weren’t.  He was also offering the second prize-winner a replica of Michael Jackson’s “Bad” necklace, with third prize being a beautiful copy of the Titanic necklace.

Looking around his stall you can see that the business has a great future as students are left in awe over the amazing jewellery they can get at such an amazing price. Simon is expanding his business rapidly with the starting up of his own website ( and can be found on facebook by searching Jewlleryfrom Fantasia and his ambitions don’t stop there. Eventually Simon plans to open his own shop in Kilwinning, “It would be something new for the town and would really give me a chance to show off my work”. Also he is hoping to start making his own jewellery from scratch instead of buying in the parts and making them up, “I’d love to have my own kiln one day, melt down metal, create design and add my own jewels” a brilliant chance to let his creativity to shine.